Sunday, February 22, 2015

Analysis of chapers 2 & 3 brave new world

chapter 2
There is a lot of brainwashing (the "whispering" under the pillows). Children are tested like animals, using shocks to teach them to hate nature. For some reason, the students are embarrassed about how people used to be parents. There is a shame in being a parent, and staying with someone for life, but not being promiscuous. It's the complete opposite of the world we live in today. There is, in our culture, an increase among women that we should be able to be just as as men are, without being criticized for it. I can see how that's something that might happen in the future, no shame for anyone where sex is concerned.

chapter 3
Children are encouraged to play "sexual games" to prepare them for when they're older. I think it's also a way to find out if any of them are gay, and then "fix" them. Contraceptives are a big deal, because if you keep women from having babies, you keep motherhood away. After all, that's something to be ashamed of.. so is seeing just one man for four months. I don't know what a Resident Controller is, but I'm guessing he's a dictator type person wo=ho makes sure that all of the brainwashing, etc. keeps going. That part in the chapter when the writing was one sentence at a time from like three or four different scenes was really aggravating to me, and it was written like that to display a kind of feeling of chaos, but I found it super difficult to read. Also, there is a type of racism, obviously, towards the Gammas and the Epilsons or whatever they're called.  and being sunburned is attractive, for some reason

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